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Lenin K. 
Real power loss reduction by cultivation of soil optimization algorithm / K. Lenin // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. E1-E5. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

In this paper, the optimal reactive power problem has been solved by the cultivation of soil optimization (CSO) algorithm. The reduction of real power loss is a key objective of this work. The projected CSO algorithm has been modeled based on the quality of soil which has been used in the cultivation of various crops season to season. With respect to the quality of the soil in the cultivation land, there will be a change in the poor-quality soil since there will up the gradation of the poor soil is done through by adding the nutrient contents. Depend upon the needs and about the type of cultivation farmers will improve the quality of the soil by adding valuable and various types of fertilizers (natural and artificial) such that it will enhance the fertile and growth (green) of the crops. Time to time farmers will choose appropriate nutrient contents that will be mixed with the soil in order to enhance the fertility of the soil. In standard IEEE 14, 30, 57 bus test systems Cultivation of Soil Optimization (CSO) algorithm has been tested. The CSO algorithm reduced the real power loss and control variables are within the limits.

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