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Nogueira E. 
Thermal-hydraulic performance of graphene nanoribbon and silicon carbide nanoparticles in the multi-louvered radiator for cooling diesel engine / E. Nogueira // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. F22-F29. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Analytical solution for application and comparison of Graphene Nanoribbon and Silicon Carbide for thermal and hydraulic performance in flat tube Multi-Louvered Finned Radiator is presented. The base fluid is composed of pure water and ethylene glycol at a 50 % volume fraction. The results were obtained for Nusselt number, convection heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop, for airflow in the radiator core and nanofluids in flat tubes. The main thermal and hydraulic parameters used are the Reynolds number, the mass flow rate, the Colburn Factor, and Friction Factor. In some situations, under analysis, the volume fraction, for Graphene Nanoribbon and Silicon Carbide, were varied. The value of the heat transfer coefficient obtained for Graphene Nanoribbon, for the volume fraction equal 0.05, is higher than twice the amount received by Silicon Carbide. The flow is laminar, for whatever the fraction value by volume of the Graphene nanoparticles when the mass flow of the nanofluid is relatively low. For turbulent flow and relatively small fractions of nanoparticles, the heat transfer coefficient is significantly high for mass flow rates of Graphene Nanoribbon. The pressure drop, for the same volume fraction of nanoparticles, is slightly higher than the pressure drop associated with Silicon Carbide. These high values for the heat transfer coefficient is a favorable result and of great practical importance, since lower values for the fraction in volume can reduce the costs of the compact heat exchanger (radiator).

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