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Marchevsky V. M. 
Intensification of paper drying on drying cylinders / V. M. Marchevsky, O. A. Novokhat, V. T. Vozniuk, I. A. Danchyshen // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. F45-F49. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

One of the most energy-intensive processes is the drying process. Therefore, an important task is to reduce heat consumption for drying. Various ways to improve the drying devices of paper and cardboard machines are identified. The main disadvantages of these improvements are given. The limiting factor of heat transfer from water vapor to paper is established. The dependence of thermal resistance on the thickness of the condensate layer is given. The authors have developed a new design for condensate drainage. The developed design allows installing movable siphons without replacement of steam inlet heads of the old type (for fixed siphons) with their insignificant modernization and cutting of an annular groove inside the drying cylinder. This will ensure a minimum level of condensate and eliminate the possibility of suction of steam into the condensate return system. Additionally, this will reduce thermal resistance, heat loss, and reduce energy consumption for paper drying as a whole.

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