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Nagendra S. 
Quantification of execution and emission efficiency of a fueled diesel engine / S. Nagendra, B. S. Kumar, A. V. Kiran, C. Ramanjaneyalu, K. Nagamani // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 1. - С. G15-G20. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

A significant portion of the automobile and industrial sector is mostly dependent on the running of diesel engines as it is efficient and shifts a large of the goods around the globe and power various equipment. Also, as the use of energy as diesel fuel is increasing enormously with the expansion of industrial growth, diversification, this led to the accelerating global emissions, global climatic change, health issues, and exhaustion of fuels. To succumb this, alternative fuel is needed to fight against the ill effects and as a replacement to diesel fuel. Thus, vegetable oils as alternative fuels are drawing more attention as they are renewable and do not address the problem of greenhouse gas. In the present work, the cottonseed oil was chosen as the favorite among the vegetable oils due to its advantages like less pollutant level, excessive availability, etc. The transesterification process was used to produce the cottonseed oil biodiesel. This research aims to investigate efficiency, emission characteristics by using smooth diesel, cottonseed oil, and mixtures with varying composition from 20 % to 80 % in 20 % steps to identify sustainable fuel as a substitute for existing fuel and to overcome fuel demand and enviro effects. This test was conducted on single-cylinder four-stroke water-cooled diesel engines. From the results, it was revealed that cottonseed oil and its blends have a significant influence on performance and emission characters.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж101239 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
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