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Demianenko M. 
Numerical simulation of the perforated shell's oscillations in a vibrational priller / M. Demianenko, M. Volf, M. Skydanenko, V. Yakovchuk, I. Pavlenko, O. Liaposhchenko // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2020. - 7, № 2. - С. F30-F36. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The widespread catalysts and nuclear fuel production are the sol-gel technology, including several stages, namely, the raw materials preparation, dispersing it into drops, the granules formation in gas and then in liquid media, granules removal with liquid separation. The vibration granulator is proposed to use on the dispersion stage. One of the problems in their development is determining the vibrational characteristics of a perforated bucket filled with liquid to a certain level. Considering that vibrations are transmitted from the emitter disk through the liquid melt and cause vibrations of the perforated shell, in research, it was decided to use the Fluent Flow and the Transient Structural modules of the ANSYS Workbench software. As a result, numerical simulation results of the emitter disk vibration effect on the cylindrical body are presented. Also, parameters of a discrete mathematical model are evaluated by the bucket vibrations characteristics. The corresponding model considers the inertial, stiffness, and damping properties of functional elements. Additionally, according to the modal analysis results of the priller body, it was determined the eigenfrequencies of the hydromechanical system. Finally, based on the numerical simulation results and their analysis using Fourier transformations, it was determined that the oscillations of the lower part of the bucket, consisting of two harmonic oscillations that equal 230 Hz and 520 Hz.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л362


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