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Fomin O. V. 
Feasibility study for using the fillers in the bearing structure components of a gondola car = Дослідження доцільності використання наповнювачів у складових несучої конструкції напіввагона / O. V. Fomin, A. O. Lovska, P. O. Skok, A. V. Rybin // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 51-56. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To study the feasibility of using the fillers for the gondola car bearing structure components. This makes it possible to reduce both damage to the gondola car bearing structure components during operating modes of loading and the cost of unscheduled repairs. In addition, it can improve the efficiency of railway transport operation. Methodology. In order to substantiate the use of aluminium foam as a filler for the gondola car bearing structure components with a closed box-section, a computational modeling of loading under the most unfavorable operating mode, such as shunting collision, has been performed. Gondola car 12-757 model built at PJSC Kryukovsky Railway Car Building Works is chosen as a prototype. The calculation is performed using the finite element method implemented in the SolidWorks Simulation (CosmosWorks) software package. The fatigue strength and natural vibration frequencies of the gondola car bearing structure with a filler of its components have been calculated. The natural vibration frequencies of the bearing structure of the gondola car are calculated. The design service life of the gondola car bearing structure has been determined. The main indicators of the gondola car bearing structure dynamics have been studied. The calculation is made in a plane coordinate system. In this case, the mathematical model is solved by the Runge - Kutta method. Findings. The results of the conducted research have revealed that the use of aluminium foam as a filler for the gondola car bearing structure components contributes to reduction of their load-bearing capacity from 12 to 47 % compared to the prototype wagon. Originality. The expediency of using aluminium foam as a filler of the gondola car bearing structure components by modeling its load-bearing capacity under the most unfavorable operating conditions has been scientifically substantiated. Practical value. By reducing the loading on the gondola car bearing structure, using aluminium foam as filler for its components, it is possible to increase fatigue strength, reduce the amount of damages, and, consequently, the cost of unscheduled repairs of the wagon. The conducted research can contribute to the creation of recommendations for developing the innovative rolling stock designs with improved technical-and-economic, as well as operational performance.

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