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Horban O. 
Cultural economics: the role of higher education institution in shaping the value systems = Економіка культури: роль вищого навчального закладу у формуванні системи цінностей / O. Horban, O. Protsenko, V. Tytarenko, O. Bulvinska, O. Melnychenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 128-132. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To examine the mechanism of managing changes resulting from the promotion of a new value system by higher education institutions. Methodology. The research is based on the methods and tools of cultural economics, which allow the authors to comprehensively reveal the relationship between the value system and behavior, on the one hand, and the changes caused by values and behavior, on the other hand. The authors used the methods of modeling, comparative analysis, strategic and systematic approaches to the analysis of economic and managerial organization of the cultural sector and the behavior of producers and consumers. Findings. The study proved that: the value system and its manifestations in practice signal the readiness of city residents to accept or reject changes; the success of promoting a new value system depends on the alignment of the initiative to change the existing value system with the values of the change recipients; the inconsistency between the value system that is being promoted and the recipients' values shall be eliminated by means of communication with the change recipients. Communication aims to remove anxiety from expected changes and make the changes attractive to the recipients; anxiety shall be remedied by the messages convincing the change recipients of the positive effects of changes on their value system and of the negative consequences if the recipients reject changes. Originality. The application of Schwartz's Theory of Basic Values and the model of Langstedt and Manninen allowed the authors to explore the mechanism of managing changes resulting from the promotion of a new value system by a higher education institution. Practical value. The obtained results allow for the effective use of the methods and tools of cultural economics in the formation and promotion of a new system of values by a higher education institution.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У549


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