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Liashenko A. 
Oil wells hydrate formation regularities = Закономірності гідратоутворень у нафтових свердловинах / A. Liashenko, V. Makarenko, Yu. Vynnykov, O. Petrash // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/6. - С. 19-24. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The paper considers the process of hydrate-paraffin deposits formation in oil wells. Due to the research with the author's specially designed laboratory equipment - an experimental installation containing a technological unit and an information-measuring system, the most favorable pressure-temperature conditions of hydrate formation in a wide range of pressure (0,1 - 120 MPa) and temperature (from -20 to +80 <^>oC) were determined. The experimental results made it possible to determine the conditions required for hydrate deposits and iron (Fe) oxides in the range of temperature from -15 to +60 <^>oC and pressure from 0 to 60 MPa. These results are confirmed by thermodynamic calculations of the oil-gas-hydrate phase equilibria in the annulus of the well. Data processing was performed using the methods of correlation, dispersion and regression analysis, which allowed comparing the processes of hydrates and iron (Fe) oxides formation in the annulus of oil wells. The results of the study can be used to prevent and eliminate hydrate-paraffin plugs in the downhole equipment of oil wells, and also to determine the operation mode of the well for long-term operation of the downhole equipment without complications, accidents and stops for repair works, which reduces downtime.

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