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Statsenko V. 
Determining the loose medium movement parameters in a centrifugal continuous mixer using a discrete element method = Визначення параметрів руху сипкого середовища в відцентровому змішувачі безперервної дії методом дискретних елементів / V. Statsenko, O. Burmistenkov, T. Bila, S. Demishonkova // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/7. - С. 59-67. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

The processes to form the compositions of loose materials in centrifugal mixers of continuous action have been considered. Based on the method of discrete elements, a mathematical model of the movement of particles in the rotor of the centrifugal mixer was built, taking into consideration their geometric and physical-mechanical parameters. To assess the extent of influence of these parameters on the nature of particle movement, a well-known mathematical model in the form of a system of differential equations was used, which was built on the basis of classical laws of mechanics. The process of mixing particles of two loose materials under different initial conditions of movement was modeled. The trajectories of individual particles along the bottom and side wall of the rotor were calculated. The results of the research reported here have established that the model built on the basis of the discrete element method makes it possible to improve the accuracy of determining the parameters of the movement of loose materials in the mixing zone. Calculations that involved this method show that the length of the particle trajectory is 2,9, and the movement time is 9 times greater than those calculated by the system of differential equations. The built and known mathematical models demonstrated the same nature of the distribution of components in the mixer. The value of the Pearson correlation coefficient between the calculated values of the coefficients of variation is 0,758. The best homogeneity is achieved by separating the flows of the mixture components and reducing the distance between their centers. The experimental study was carried out using a centrifugal mixer of continuous action with a conical rotor. Particle trajectories were constructed; it was established that the shape of the trajectory built by a discrete element method is closer to the experimental one. The results reported in this paper make it possible to predict the impact of the structural and technological parameters of the mixers of continuous action on the uniformity of the mixture.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л111.33-51


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