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Yermekov D. 
Development of a technology of gas-flame application of powders to increase wear resistance and adhesion strength / D. Yermekov, V. Povetkin, Z. Rutkuniene, A. Nurmukhanova, A. Bukayeva // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 3/12. - С. 14-24. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

Every year, the world economy suffers enormous losses due to wear and corrosion of machine parts and equipment. With targeted preventive protection against wear and tear, these losses can be avoided. Along with the coating of new parts, this includes the restoration of worn parts. An effective method is the surfacing of materials with high performance properties. The quality of hardened parts depends on the properties of deposited material, so hardening material or alloy is selected taking into account the working environment of the part and the coating method. Today there are many self-fluxing surfacing powder alloys based on nickel, copper and others, obtained by different methods. The paper discusses the process of studying the gas-flame application of powders to increase wear resistance and adhesion strength. Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the optimal composition of the CrB2 master alloy introduced into the composition of the GP-Ir40 surfacing alloy. It has been found that to obtain the hardness of the deposited metal in the range of 450 - 600 HV, it is necessary to introduce CrB2 into the coating composition, within 10 % of the total mass. Thus, the strength of the alloy is increased by more than 54,41 HV. Tests for corrosion resistance in aggressive environments of hydrogen sulfide H2S, sulfuric acid H2SO4 were carried out. The wear resistance of ground pumps was evaluated, and the service life of wear-resistant ground pump parts made of the IChH28N2 alloy was determined. The new developed self-fluxing surfacing powder material based on iron with a hardening additive will be used to restore machine and equipment parts operating under conditions of abrasive wear, corrosion and elevated temperatures or corrosive environments.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К663.033.057.2 + Ж830.51


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