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Zadoia A. O. 
Models of the international investment position in Visegrad countries and Ukraine: a comparative analysis = Моделі міжнародної інвестиційної позиції країн Вишеградської групи та України: компаративний аналіз / A. O. Zadoia, S. B. Kholod, O. A. Zadoia // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 3. - С. 173-178. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To classify the models of assets and liabilities of the Visegrad Group and compare them with similar indicators of Ukraine's international investment position. Methodology. The separation of models is carried out by three criteria: the formation of the structure, the degree of risk and the activity of the state. The asset model of Ukraine's international investment position is defined as dynamic, with low risk and moderate government intervention. The liability model is also dynamic, but with high risk and increased government activity. Ukrainian economic models are not similar to any of the studied European models and are irrational by most criteria. Finding. Based on the comparison of the models of assets and liabilities formed in Ukraine with similar indicators of the Visegrad Group countries, a number of hypotheses about the strategy of improving the international investment position of Ukraine have been expressed. The basis for solving these problems should be activities aimed primarily at solving the internal problems of Ukraine, which can improve the mechanisms of direct and portfolio investment. Originality. An original methodology for classifying the models of assets and liabilities of the country's international investment position has been developed. Its approbation by the example of Visegrad countries and Ukraine allowed finding the strengths and threats of different models and predict future scenarios of changes in the international investment position. Practical value. The developed methods for assessing the models of international investment position of the country can be used in other studies, which will allow developing countries to choose a certain international model to develop their own strategy for managing international financial flows.

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