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Kiran A. V. N. S. 
Control of exhaust emissions using piston coating on two-stroke SI engines with gasoline blends / A. V. N. S. Kiran, B. Ramanjaneyulu, M. Lokanath, S. Nagendra, G. E. Balachander // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2021. - 8, № 1. - С. H16-H20. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

An increase in fuel utilization to internal combustion engines, variation in gasoline price, reduction of the fossil fuels and natural resources, needs less carbon content in fuel to find an alternative fuel. This paper presents a comparative study of various gasoline blends in a single-cylinder two-stroke SI engine. The present experimental investigation with gasoline blends of butanol and propanol and magnesium partially stabilized zirconium ( Mg-PSZ) as thermal barrier coating on piston crown of 100 <$E mu>m. The samples of gasoline blends were blended with petrol in 1:4 ratios: 20 % of butanol and 80 % of gasoline; 20 % of propanol and 80 % of gasoline. In this work, the following engine characteristics of brake thermal efficiency (BTH), specific fuel consumption (SFC), HC, and CO emissions were measured for both coated and non-coated pistons. Experiments have shown that the thermal efficiency is increased by 2,2 % at P20. The specific fuel consumption is minimized by 2,2 % at P20. Exhaust emissions are minimized by 2,0 % of HC and 2,4 % of CO at B20. The results strongly indicate that the combination of thermal barrier coatings and gasoline blends can improve engine performance and reduce exhaust emissions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л542.2


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