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Onysko O. 
The stress state of compact mechatronic satellites of a cycloidal reducer / O. Onysko, I. Karabegovic, P. Dasic, M. Penderetskyi, O. Melnyk // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2021. - 8, № 2. - С. D12-D17. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

One of the urgent problems of mechanics is to design a lightweight, compact and precise reducer with high efficiency since it is an essential part of the robot actuators. The manufacture of modern toy robots made as Pet-models requires highly efficient and very compact drives. A topical part of the drive is the cycloidal reducer required to provide the torque appropriate for the effective movement of the toy. The article proposes a three-dimensional model of a cycloidal reducer designed for a four-legged walking robot toy. The outer diameter of the reducer is 56 mm. If its most significant parts are plastic, the weight does not exceed more than 0,2 kg. The obtained results of the analysis of stresses arising between the disk and the rollers indicate the complete suitability of the selected materials of polyamide and steel on their mechanical characteristics for use in the reducer of the robot actuator.

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