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Yevseiev S. 
Development of a method for estimating the effect of transformation of the normalized frequency mismatch function of a coherent bundle of radio pulses on the quality of radar frequency resolution = Розробка методу оцінювання впливу трансформації нормованої частотної функції розузгодження когерентної пачки радіоімпульсів на якість радіолокаційного розділення за частотою / S. Yevseiev, O. Kuznietsov, O. Biesova, D. Kyrychenko, O. Lukashuk, S. Milevskyi, S. Pohasii, I. Husarova, A. Goloskokova, V. Sobchenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/4. - С. 13-22. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The necessity of studying the influence of the transformation of the frequency mismatch function of a coherent bundle of radio pulses on the quality of solving the radar frequency resolution problem is substantiated. This solution determines the effectiveness of radar observation of high-speed and maneuvering individual and group aerodynamic objects. The method is based on explicit expressions for calculating the normalized frequency mismatch function of a coherent bundle of radio pulses, taking into account its transformation due to the radial motion of high-speed and maneuvering individual and group aerodynamic objects. The estimation of the potential frequency resolution of bundles with different numbers of radio pulses with typical parameters for a coherent pulse radar is carried out. Possible values of frequency resolution under the additive effect of uncorrelated internal noise of the radar receiver and the multiplicative effect of correlated phase fluctuations of the radar signal are estimated. With an insignificant multiplicative effect of correlated phase fluctuations, a twofold increase in the number of radio pulses in a bundle provides an improvement in the frequency resolution (reduction of the width of the normalized frequency mismatch function) by 100 %. With the predominant multiplicative effect of these fluctuations, a twofold increase in the number of radio pulses results in an improvement in the frequency resolution by about 40 %. The developed method is of great theoretical and practical importance for the further development of the radar theory of high-speed and maneuvering individual and group aerodynamic objects.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З95-5


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