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Dyuryagina A. 
Development of sedimentation resistant water-acrylic titanium dioxide dispersions = Розробка седиментаційно стійких водно-акрилових дисперсій діоксиду титану / A. Dyuryagina, A. Lutsenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/6. - С. 51-59. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

According to the results of the research, the effect of stabilization of dispersions of titanium dioxide in water-acrylic compositions was established. It was proved that in aqueous-acrylic suspensions at all variations of film-forming agent (from 0 to 5 g/dm<^>3), the maximum of stabilizing activity of the surfactants under study is achieved at CSAS = 0,25 g/dm<^>3. The minimum deposition rate of titanium dioxide dispersions at a dosing of 0,25 g/dm<^>3 of sodium polyacrylate was at the level of 0,097 x 10<^>-3 g/s at any content of film-forming agent (Cff = 0,5 - 5 g/dm<^>3) in suspensions. At the introduction of the same concentration (CSAS = 0,25 g/dm<^>3) of the polyether siloxane copolymer, a decrease in sedimentation rate to 0,053 x 10<^>-3 g/s in suspensions with a limited acryl content (C <<= 1 g/dm) was recorded. At an increase in the concentration of a film-forming agent (C >> 1 g/dm<^>3) in suspensions, sedimentation stability decreased, which is proved by an increase in the sedimentation rate of TiO2 to 0,110 x 10<^>-3 g/s at Cff = 5,0 g/dm<^>3. It was found that in aqueous-acrylic suspensions with the film-forming content from 0,5 to 1 g/dm<^>3, the minimum average diameter was 2,64 - 3,1 <$Emu>m CSAS = 0,25 g/dm<^>3. Further concentration of acryl (Cff = 4 - 5 g/dm<^>3) at the same dosage of polyether siloxane copolymer was accompanied by an increase in the average particle size up to 4,30 - 4,61 <$Emu>m. The maximum of wedging activity of sodium polyacrylate (CSAS = 0,25 g/dm<^>3) corresponds to the same minimum of the average diameter (2 - 3 <$Emu>m).

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л111.31


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