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Kotok V. 
Determination of the effect of exposure conducted in KOH solutions at different temperatures on the properties of electrochromic Ni(OH)2-PVA films = Визначення впливу витримки в розчинах KOH при різних температурах на властивості електрохромних плівок Ni(OH)2-ПВС / V. Kotok, V. Kovalenko, R. Nafeev, V. Verbitskiy, E. Lominoga, O. Melnyk, S. Vlasov, P. Iryna, L. Kolesnikova, V. Kalinichenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/6. - С. 60-66. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - англ.

To determine the effect of exposure of film composite electrodes based on Ni(OH)2-polyvinyl alcohol to an alkaline solution at high temperatures on the electrochromic and electrochemical characteristics, a series of films was obtained. The films were obtained on a glass substrate coated with fluorine-doped tin oxide. The coating of the substrates was carried out by the cathodic template method under the same conditions. The resulting precipitates were treated by keeping them in an alkali solution at different temperatures: 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70 <^>oC for 8 hours, thereby simulating the operating conditions of an electrochromic device in a hot climate. It was found that the exposure temperature directly affected the electrochemical and electrochromic properties of the treated films. In this case, the cyclic volt-ampere curves showed a decrease in the peak values of the current densities and a lower rate of establishment of characteristics with an increase in the treatment temperature. At a maximum treatment temperature of 70 <^>oC, the properties of the film significantly changed towards deterioration. According to the results of the experiments, three temperature ranges of treatment were identified. The first one was in the range up to 40 <^>oC, in which the films showed significant electrochromic and electrochemical activity after treatment. The second interval was between 40 and 60 <^>oC, in which the coatings showed a reversible deterioration in electrochromic and electrochemical activity. After treatment in the second interval, the films gradually restored their performance during electrochemical cycling. The third interval was from 70 <^>oC and above. The films treated in this temperature range irreversibly lost their electrochemical and electrochromic activity. The study also proposed mechanisms to explain changes in the characteristics of electrodes during treatment, as well as possible ways to combat temperature degradation.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж619 + Г576.6


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