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Nazin V. 
Revealing deformation of segments and their supports in a hydrostatic segmental bearing = Виявлення деформації сегментів і їх опор в гідростатичному підшипнику сегментного типу / V. Nazin // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/7. - С. 33-40. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

At present, there are theoretical and experimental studies of such bearings without taking into account the elastic deformation of the bearing segments. The rotor bearings of powerful turbines at nuclear power plants are subjected to loads as high as tens of tons. One of the important issues in designing segmental bearings operating under these conditions consists in taking into account elastic deformations of the segments. A schematic diagram of a segmental hydrostatic bearing was presented and the principle of its operation was described. When determining the deformation of spherical support, a formula of change in volume of a solid steel ball subjected to uniform pressure was applied. To determine the segment deformation in the axial direction, differential equation of bending of the strip beam as the initial one. The basic equation of deformation of rods with a curved axis acting in the plane of curvature was taken as a starting point of determining the segment deformation in the circumferential direction. It was found in the studies that the maximum deformation of the segment is 4,5 % of radial clearance at a feed pressure of 5 MPa and can affect the bearing characteristics. A substantially nonlinear character of deformations along the segment axis was revealed. It was found that the pressure of the working fluid significantly affects the segment thickness. With an increase in feeding pressure from 1 MPa to 10 MPa, the thickness of the steel segment increased more than 2 times and the thickness of the bronze segment increased more than 3 times. It was established that the pressure of the working fluid exceeding 10 MPa substantially affects the deformation of the spherical support and the bearing clearance. The study results will make it possible to determine more accurately the main characteristics of the segmental bearing and design it more efficiently.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К445.3-02 + З47-5-04


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