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Jomartov A. 
Development of a planar cable parallel robot for practical application in the educational process = Розробка плоского тросового паралельного робота для практичного застосування в навчальному процесі / A. Jomartov, A. Kamal, A. Abduraimov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/7. - С. 67-75. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

Cable-driven parallel robot (CDPR) has the great potential for various applications in industry and in everyday life. They consist of an end effector and a base, which connected by seve-ral cables. CDPRs have a large workspace compared to the workspace of classic parallel robots. CDPR have a simpler structure have good dynamic properties, high carrying capacity, mobility and low cost. The only drawback is that the CDPR cables can only work for retraction and cannot push. This article presents the design of a prototype of a planar CDPR with four cables for practical use in the educational process. This prototype of a planar CDPR is necessary for a better understanding of the design features, structure, kinematics, statics and dynamics of the CDPR by students. The planar CDPR performs two translational motions, due to the controlled 4 cables, and one rotational motion of the end effector. The research of the kinematics and statics of the planar CDPR is carried out. Simulation of the motion of a planar CDPR in the Python programming language has been carried out. A design was developed and a prototype of the planar CDPR was manufactured. Experimental researches of a prototype of the planar CDPR have been carried out. The results of experimental researches have shown that the CDPR works well enough. During the tests of the prototype of the planar CDPR, it was found that the distortions of the trajectory of the end effector depend on the tension of the cables. It is necessary to monitor the tension level using strain gauges. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, the effectiveness of the use of the prototype of a planar CDPR in the educational process of the robotics course has been confirmed.

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