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Lesinskyi V. 
Devising a toolset for assessing the potential of loan financing of projects aimed at implementing energy-saving technologies = Розроблення інструментарію оцінювання потенціалу позичкового фінансування проєктів впровадження енергозберігаючих технологій / V. Lesinskyi, O. Yemelyanov, O. Zarytska, A. Symak, T. Petrushka // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/13. - С. 15-33. - Бібліогр.: 36 назв. - англ.

This paper reports modeling the assessment of the potential of loan financing of projects aimed at implementing energy-saving technologies. An array of information to assess the potential of loan financing of these projects was formed. The methods for assessing the existing and prospective potential of loan financing of projects for the implementation of energy-saving technologies were devised. The criteria for the selection of energy-saving projects, which should be financed at the expense of loan funds, were systematized and ordered. The appropriateness of these studies is determined by the need to reduce the volume of energy consumption of non-renewable energy resources in many countries of the world. This causes the need to determine the potential of financial support, in particular the potential of loan financing, the implementation of energy-saving projects, first of all, projects for the implementation of energy-saving technologies at enterprises. The obtained theoretic and methodological results for the sample of enterprises were tested. It was established that the absolute magnitude of the potential of loan financing of projects implementing technologies that ensure reducing natural gas consumption at the studied enterprises is 42 projects and USD 1,805 thousand. As for the relative level of this potential, for the whole totality of enterprises it is: by the number of projects - 0,447; by financing volumes - 0,420. The obtained theoretical and methodological results can be applied by enterprises of all types of economic activity in assessing the magnitude of the potential of loan financing of energy-saving projects. In addition, these results can be used by the authorities in the development of the programs of preferential lending of the projects of implementation of energy-saving technologies.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У526.11 + У521.02


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