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Vodovozov E. 
Devising a procedure for ensuring entrepreneurship protectionism in the context of financial capital investments for the purpose of rehabilitation of the transport sector = Розробка методики забезпечення протекціонізму підприємництва в контексті фінансових капіталовкладень з метою реабілітації транспортного сектору / E. Vodovozov, O. Rudachenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/13. - С. 34-41. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

The problem of ensuring entrepreneurship protectionism in the context of financial investments was considered. The need for state entrepreneurship protectionism in order to rehabilitate the transport sector was proved. The conditions for including the sectors of the economy in the category of the most affected by the pandemic in the context of state protectionism were determined. Based on statistics and using the indicators of riskiness and priority of the economic sector, the sectors of the economy for allocation of financial investments were determined. The problem of determining the rate of financial capital investments was stated and solved. A comprehensive procedure for ensuring entrepreneurship protectionism in the context of financial investments for rehabilitation of the transport sector, taking into consideration the riskiness and priority of the economic sector, was proposed. Since the problem of state protectionism of entrepreneurship during the COVID-19 pandemic challenges is relevant for a number of countries, this procedure was tested on the example of the transport sector of the economy. According to the obtained results, the sectors of the economy that were recognized as the most affected by COVID-19 fall under state protectionism, and the problem of supporting the latter can only be solved through state intervention. The results of calculations show that the funds at the available amount of public finances S = 1 allocated for support are distributed proportionally. The comprehensive approach made it possible to identify three sectors of the economy for financial investments, in this case, those that were most affected by COVID-19 receive the largest share of financial investments. From the practical point of view, this study is interesting for state administrations during the allocation of funds by the vector of support for the sectors of the economy that were most affected by pandemic challenges, and theoretically - to researchers dealing with financial support, protectionism, and state administration.

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