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Illiashenko O. 
Economic assessment of sources of investment in the development of municipal electric transport enterprises = Економічна оцінка джерел інвестицій в розвиток підприємств міського еклектротранспорту / O. Illiashenko, N. Kondratenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 4/13. - С. 42-51. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

The organizational and economic foundations for the formation of an investment strategy for the development of urban electric transport enterprises have been developed. The economic content of the main stages of the investment process at these enterprises has been clarified. A list of basic principles for the effective formation of the investment process has been compiled. It is proved that the enterprises of urban electric transport in Ukraine are currently unprofitable and the problems of investment support for them are extremely relevant and important. The main directions of the development of investment activity of urban electric transport enterprises have been investigated and strategic, tactical and operational methods of its activation have been proposed. At the same time, there are three main aspects of enhancing investment activity: investment, innovation and technological. The main provisions of the strategy of attracting investment sources by urban electric transport enterprises have been developed, which allows ensuring the required level of investment flexibility of the enterprise and independence in obtaining investment resources from various sources. The main stages of this process have been identified and substantiated, which include: the time of action, the formation of strategic goals, the algorithm for selecting and justifying the sources of investment resources and the practical implementation of the investment strategy. The practical aspects of rating sources of investment resources have been investigated, taking into account risk factors, time of use, investment prices, the ability of an enterprise and the state to influence the formation and use of investment sources. An integral indicator has been determined for each of the possible sources of investment resources, according to which the most acceptable for urban electric transport enterprises in terms of the cost of attracting and the likelihood of risk occurrence are own funds (32 points), as well as state budget funds (22 points) and local budgets (21 points). Practical recommendations on the use of the developed provisions have been formed.

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