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Artyushok K. A. 
Institutional support for the management of environmental-economic relations: economic and legal aspects = Інституційне забезпечення управління еколого-економічними відносинами: економіко-правовий аспект / K. A. Artyushok, A. M. Yakovchuk, S. Yu. Yuldashev, M. S. Pysmenna // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 4. - С. 130-137. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The evolution of ecological-economic relations is reflected by manifestation of instability, lack of equilibrium and imbalance, formality of legal-regulatory acts and other factors of social development. In fact, factors of management of ecological-economic relations aggregate on transformation of social economic development on global (international), national and regional levels. Purpose. To investigate economic and legal aspect of institutional provision of management of ecological-economic relations and, on this basis, to develop the ground for improvement of balanced ecological-economic development of national economy. Methodology. In the process of solving the set tasks the following research methods were used: the dialectical method as a general method of cognition during the research on transformational processes in society, ecological-economic and human development to reveal the tendencies of interaction between man, economy and nature during economic development; theoretical generalisation and comparison; statistical and economic analysis. Findings. The construction of the management process of ecological-economic relations should correspond to both tactical and long-term prospects of economic and social development of the state, taking into account the conditions of transformation of the national economy. To effectively manage ecological-economic relations, it is necessary to take into account a number of prerequisites: first, the needs and interests ofconsumers; second, the resource potential of the enterprise; third, to follow the development of global technical innovations or technologies in the field of ecological production, and others. The indicated necessitates changes in the management of environmental-economic relations in a rapidly changing external environment, which is represented by the developed scheme of the management process of environmental-economic relations in the conditions of transformation of the national economy. The important factors of the institutional provision of environmental-economic relations management are promotion of mutually beneficial partnership and cooperation, development of social dialogue, introduction of environmental norms and values in accordance with the current regulations. Originality. The essence, internal contradictions and types of ecological-economic relations management are determined; a step-by-step presentation of the strategy for the implementation of environmental and economic relations with the consolidation of efforts in balancing environmental and economic goals is suggested; it is proved that it is essential to cascade environmental-economic relations in the formation of public policy at both horizontal and vertical levels; the focus of environmental-economic relations management is defined, where the coordination of environmental interests with economic interests is the dominant one. Practical value. The results of the study can be used by public authorities, academics and practitioners to develop scenarios for economic development of the national economy and increase the level of economic and environmental efficiency in the management process.

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