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Panfilov A. S. 
Pressure effect on magnetic susceptibility of intermediate-valence compound YbInAu2 / A. S. Panfilov, G. E. Grechnev // Фізика низ. температур. - 2022. - 48, № 3. - С. 249-253. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The pressure dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of the intermediate-valence compound YbInAu2 has been measured in the temperature range of 78 - 300 K, showing a strong and temperature-dependent increase in susceptibility under pressure. The initial analysis of the experimental data within the framework of the integer valence Coqblin - Schrieffer model has given certain estimates of the Kondo temperature and its pressure derivative, but did not allow to describe quantitatively the specific temperature dependence of the susceptibility itself. The Anderson impurity model with infinite Coulomb repulsion U, the main parameters of which are the position of the f level relative to the Fermi energy and its hybridization width, turned out to be more suitable to describe the obtained experimental data for YbInAu2, indicating a strong dependence of the f-level position on the atomic volume.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В377.3


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