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Storoshchuk U. 
Composting as one of the prospective methods of recycling the organic component of municipal solid waste / U. Storoshchuk, M. Malovanyy, I. Tymchuk // Environmental Problems. - 2020. - 5, № 3. - С. 167-173. - Бібліогр.: 23 назв. - англ.

In the conditions of constant deterioration of the environment, municipal solid waste management (MSW) in Ukraine remains one of the most pressing challenges in environmental safety because of its significant accumulation in landfills and the lack of effective mechanisms for its disposal. Approximately 40 - 50 % of municipal solid waste is organic, so the removal of this part of waste from landfills through composting and conversion of waste into secondary material resources will significantly reduce the environmental load on existing and potentially planned landfills. Therefore, the choice of promising technologies for the disposal of organic waste is one of the major tasks to ensure environmental safety. One of the effective strategies for dealing with excessive amounts of organic waste and one of the best and most affordable technologies for the waste recycling system is composting.

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