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Ablieieva I. Yu. 
Digestate potential to substitute mineral fertilizers: engineering approaches / I. Yu. Ablieieva, G. G. Geletukha, P. P. Kucheruk, A. Enrich-Prast, G. Carraro, I. O. Berezhna, D. M. Berezhnyi // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2022. - 9, № 1. - С. H1-H10. - Бібліогр.: 28 назв. - англ.

The study aims to define the potential and technological aspects of the digestate treatment for its application as a biofertilizer. Life cycle assessment methodology was used in terms of digestate quality management. The potential of nutrients, organic carbon, and useful microelements in the digestate allows for its consideration as a mineral fertilizer substitute and soil improver. The valorization of digestate as fertilizer requires quality management and quality control. Based on the research focus, the successful soil application of digestate post-treatment technologies was analyzed. Among the different commercial options for digestate treatment and nutrient recovery, the most relevant are drying, struvite precipitation, stripping, evaporation, and membranes technology. Comparing the physical and chemical properties of the whole digestate, separated liquid, and solid liquor fractions showed that in the case of soil application of granular fertilizer, nutrients from the digestate are released more slowly than digestate application without granulation. However, realizing this potential in an economically feasible way requires improving the quality of digestate products through appropriate technologies and quality control of digestate products. To support the manufacture of quality digestate across Europe, the European Compost Network developed a concept for a pan-European quality assurance scheme.

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