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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Chernysh Y. 
Electro-fermentation for biopolymers production: trends determination with bioinformatics data analysis / Y. Chernysh, Y. Bataltsev, X.-J. Shen, O. Bohdanovych, O. Yakhnenko // J. of Eng. Sciences. - 2022. - 9, № 2. - С. H1-H8. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The paper is devoted to the study of directions of application of combined systems for obtaining biofuels and biopolymers using electro-oxidative processes, namely electro-fermentation. In the course of the work, a step-by-step methodology of research is shown, and the relationship between different bioinformatic databases in their combined use is described, which made it possible to identify trends in electro-fermentation systems with the production of bio-based products. A review of possible electro-fermentation systems with major bio-product production was performed. The possibility of including anaerobic producers of organic acids, namely lactic acid, for the needs of biopolymerization, with bioinformatic databases was substantiated. The model of the process of anaerobic fermentation with the production of organic acids for biopolymerization has been formed. The analysis of bioinformatic databases showed that the strains Anaerotignum propionicum X2, isolated from silty bottom sediments, and Anaerotignum propionicum 19acry 3, isolated from an operating anaerobic reactor, have the most significant indicators of lactate productivity. The conditions for their cultivation with an indication of nutrient media and modification of their composition are considered.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л716


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