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Loshkarov O. 
Optimization of the stages of a ship's cargo plan development for shippining of general cargoes = Оптимизация этапов разработки грузового плана судна для перевозки генеральных грузов / O. Loshkarov, O. Kornelyuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/3. - С. 30-36. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

One of the main tasks in stability calculations is to provide the ship with the necessary (optimal) trim whose final value is influenced by the arrangement of cargo on the ship. Today, however, there are rules and requirements but there is no unified approach to developing a cargo plan for a vessel that simultaneously transports various types of general cargo. In order to improve the efficiency of the above calculations, a procedure has been proposed to optimize developing a cargo plan for a vessel carrying heterogeneous general cargoes at the same time, the main idea of which is to distribute consignments on the ship in two stages, taking into consideration the compensating trimming moment. The scheme to develop a cargo plan has been improved by introducing the developed procedure. The results of verification confirmed its effectiveness in practice. Possible deviations of the values for the trim required (optimal) for the voyage from the actual one calculated after the allocation of stocks and consignments of goods have been investigated using an example of the series of developed cargo plans. It should be noted that the value for the trim, required (optimal) and actual, for each individual cargo plan does not differ by more than 8 %. The results reported in this paper give grounds to assert the expediency of their application when developing cargo plans for tramp shipping vessels. The introduction of the procedure could make it possible to effectively load a vessel with the full utilization of both its carrying capacity and cargo capacity. The use of the proposed scheme for developing a cargo plan to transport heterogeneous cargoes would reduce the total time for calculating the stability and strength of the vessel in general.

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