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Yatsun V. 
Determining the energy efficiency of a resonance single-mass vibratory machine whose operation is based on the Sommerfeld effect = Визначення енергоефективності резонансної одномасової вібромашини, що працює на ефекті Зомерфельда / V. Yatsun, G. Filimonikhin, I. Filimonikhina, A. Haleeva // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/7. - С. 44-51. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

This paper reports determining the energy efficiency of a vibratory machine consisting of a viscoelastically fixed platform that can move vertically, and a vibration exciter whose operation is based on the Sommerfeld effect. The body of the vibration exciter rotates at a steady angular speed while there are the same loads in the form of a ball, a roller, or a pendulum inside it. The load, being moved relative to the body, is exposed to the forces of viscous resistance, which are internal within the system. It was established that under the steady oscillatory modes of a vibratory machine's movement, the loads are tightly pressed to each other, thereby forming a combined load. Energy is productively spent on platform oscillations and unproductively dissipated due to the movement of the combined load relative to the body. With an increase in the speed of the body rotation, the increasing internal forces of viscous resistance bring the speed of rotation of the combined load closer to the resonance speed, and the amplitude of platform oscillations increases. However, the combined load, in this case, increasingly lags behind the body, which increases unproductive energy loss and decreases the efficiency of the vibratory machine. A purely resonant motion mode of the vibratory machine produces the maximum amplitude of platform oscillations, the dynamic factor, the total power of viscous resistance forces. In this case, the efficiency reaches its minimum value. To obtain vigorous oscillations of the platform with a simultaneous increase in the efficiency of the vibratory machine, it is necessary to reduce the forces of viscous resistance in supports with a simultaneous increase in the internal forces of viscous resistance. An algorithm for calculating the basic dynamic characteristics of the vibratory machine's oscillatory motion has been built, based on solving the problem parametrically. The accepted parameter is the angular speed at which a combined load gets stuck. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been illustrated using a specific example.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж605.3-02


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