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Berkman L. 
Analysis the code structures of multidimensional signals for a continuous information transmission channel = Аналіз кодових конструкцій багатовимірних сигналів для безперервного каналу передачі інформації / L. Berkman, O. Turovsky, L. Kyrpach, O. Varfolomeeva, V. Dmytrenko, O. Pokotylo // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/9. - С. 70-81. - Бібліогр.: 36 назв. - англ.

One of the directions to improve the efficiency of modern telecommunication systems is the transition to the use of multidimensional signals for continuous channels of information transmission. As a result of studies carried out in recent years, it has been established that it is possible to ensure high quality of information transmission in continuous channels by combining demodulation and decoding operations into a single procedure that involves the construction of a code construct for a multidimensional signal. This paper considers issues related to estimating the possibility to improve the efficiency of continuous information transmission channel by changing the signal distance of the code structure. It has been established that the code structures of such types as a hierarchical code construct of signals, a hierarchical code construct of signals with Euclidean metric, a reversible code construct of signals, a reversible code construct of signals with Euclidean metric have the potential, when used, to increase the speed of information transmission along a continuous channel. With a signal distance reduced by 10 percent or larger, it could increase by two times or faster. The estimation of the effect of reducing a signal distance on the efficiency of certain types of code structures was carried out. It has been established that the hierarchical reversible code construct, compared to the hierarchical code construct, provides a win of up to two or more times in the speed of information transmission with a halved signal distance. Implementing the modulation procedure has no fundamental difficulties, on the condition that for each code of the code construct the encoding procedure is known when using binary codes. The results reported here make it possible to build an acceptably complex demodulation procedure according to the specified types of code structures.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З88-013.3


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