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Terokhin V. 
Design and implementation of the distributed dosimetric system based on the principles of IoT = Розробка та реалізація розподіленої дозиметричної системи на основі принципів IoT / V. Terokhin, O. Ridozub, M. Stervoyedov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 5/9. - С. 91-100. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

This paper describes the architecture and components of the distributed information and management system for collecting, processing, storing, and distributing data on a radiometric and dosimetric experiment using the principle of the Internet of Things. Data exchange between elements in the system, as well as the analysis of the received information, involves active application of the ThingSpeak cloud service. Two-way communication with the cloud with a 15-second loop has been implemented. Data are processed in the MATLAB (America) environment, integrated into the cloud. The developed hardware and software solutions demonstrate an increased accuracy of measurements due to the use of promising cadmium telluride (CdZnTe) detectors, modern microcontroller and micro communication technology, and a new algorithm for correcting the dependence of detector sensitivity on radiation energy. Measurement with correction by the method of average charge pulse amplitude is carried out in the energy range from 60 keV to 3 MeV. The resolution of the spectrometric channel is 6,5 % at the peak of 662 keV of full absorption from the reference source, Cesium (Cs-137). The module for a laboratory sensor network, designed to measure the dose of ionizing radiation, has a built-in spectrometric analog-digital converter, microcontroller control, and a communication unit. Constructing the diagrams demonstrates the operation of the interrupt handler in the form of a series of events occurring when requests arrive from a Web server. The peculiarity of the system is the absence of intermediate devices that make it possible to establish a connection with the Internet. The developed system, equipment, algorithms, and programs are used for experimental studies of radiation and nuclear-physical processes. Elements of the system were useful for remote laboratory work by students.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З42


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