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Aitkazinova Sh. 
Mathematical modeling the quarry wall stability under conditions of heavily jointed rocks = Математичне моделювання стійкості борта кар'єра в умовах підвищеної тріщинуватості гірських порід / Sh. Aitkazinova, O. Sdvyzhkova, N. Imansakipova, D. Babets, D. Klymenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 18-24. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop techniques for estimating the pit wall stability in terms of occurring of a zone of heavily jointed rock mass during ore mining at the Akzhal deposit (Kazakhstan), to work out measures to strengthen the rock opening and to verify the effectiveness of the developed measures. Methodology. The finite element analysis of the rock stress-strain state is implemented on the basis of the elastic-plastic model and the generalized Hoek - Brown failure criterion. The rock mass "quality" was assessed using the RMR and GSI rating classifications. This made it possible to simulate a zone of intense fracturing by changing the characteristics of the jointed surface. The "shear strength reduction" procedure was used to determine the safety factor for the quarry wall. Findings. The strain distributions in the rock mass forming the quarry wall have been obtained in terms of the Akzhal polymetallic ore deposit (Kazakhstan). The case of creating a zone of heavily jointed rocks in the area of a tectonic fault was considered. The safety factor of the quarry wall was determined under conditions of increased rock fracturing, as well as after carrying out measures to strengthen the rocks with a hardening solution. Originality. The effect of intense jointness on the pit wall stability is demonstrated. A method for the consistent evaluation of the quarry wall stability is proposed considering the change in the rock properties due to natural factors and artificial reinforcement. It is shown that a change in the joint surface quality due to the hardening injection reduces the shear strains in the sliding zone. Practical value. The pit wall stability was predicted considering the formation of a zone of intense fracturing under mining and geological conditions of the Akzhal deposit. The possibility of testing the effectiveness of rock strengthening measures based on mathematical modeling was shown.

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