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Inci Arikan 
Evaluation of the implementation of Personal Protective Behaviors and the interventions made in fighting against COVID-19 through the view of a university staff / Inci Arikan, Baris Kilic Demir // Галиц. лікар. вісн. - 2021. - 28, № 2. - С. 4-7. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the application status of Personal Protective Behaviors (PPB) in the fight against COVID-19 among the employees of an institution and the interventions that may be effective for maintaining PPB. In this descriptive study, the interviews were made with each participant to answer the structured questions. In the interviews, we questioned whether PPB were applied correctly and which interventions could be effective in maintaining PPB. PPB were correctly applied by more than half of 101 people who participated in the study. When considering the distribution of responses to which interventions to maintain PPB were effective, the first three places were arranged as follows: education, coercionpunishment and treatment/death of a relative due to COVID-19. The face mask use and compliance with social distancing were found to be the most important and applied PPB. The participants stated that health education models should be used at the beginning of different intervention types and supported with fines and restrictions, if necessary. In addition, the positive detection of COVID-19 in the close environment and the experience of the treatment process were found to be effective in taking precautions.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Р514.31 COVID-19


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