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David Ibeabuchi Onyemachi 
Carbon sequestration in the ocean-an escape route / David Ibeabuchi Onyemachi, Wilson Uzochukwu Eze, Mekidani Aaron Musa, Virginia Ngozi Okolo, Amos Dindul Kalip, Pascalina Paulleo, Bernard Egwu Igiri, Abba John // Environmental Problems. - 2022. - 7, № 1. - С. 23-33. - Бібліогр.: 47 назв. - англ.

The utilization of fossil fuels is releasing previously carbon stored in the various carbon pools of the earth and increasing the global concentration of Carbon dioxide from an initial 280 parts per million in the 1850s to above 400 parts per million today. This review takes a look at previous works on carbon sequestration; its feasibility, potential and process. Increased carbon emission has disrupted the fragile balance in carbon content between the atmosphere and ocean which took thousands of years to attain. Aftermath of which includes increase global temperatures as well as other environmental problems. It has been projected that from 2025 up-wards; we would have exceeded our carbon budget at our current emission rates. Curtailing fossil fuel utilization alone will not suffice to save the planet unless something more drastic is done. Capturing anthropogenically produced carbon gas and discharging it into the ocean at a depth of 3000 m where it sinks into the bottom of the ocean is recommended. Here, the oceans are expected to store about 59 times the carbon gas carrying capacity of the atmosphere. The need to speed up the slow natural process of sequestrating carbon in the ocean depth has never been more expedient. Research is recommended into understanding the oceans as a variegated system of interactions compared to terrestrial ecosystems.

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