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Fainzilberg L. S. 
Generalized approach to building computer's tools of preventive medicine for home using / L. S. Fainzilberg // Проблеми керування та інформатики. - 2022. - № 1. - С. 136-155. - Бібліогр.: 36 назв. - англ.

For early detection and timely correction of imbalances in the body that can lead to the development of various diseases, personalized devices are needed with which one can control the current state of the body at home. The purpose of the article is to develop a universal approach to the construction of such tools and, using examples of solving urgent problems, to demonstrate its effectiveness. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is that the user at home has the ability to form a training sample of observations of his physiological indicators, according to which two integral characteristics are automatically calculated: the reference result, which is closest to all other observations, and the value, characterizing the average deviation of the results. Personalized diagnostic rules are proposed that ensure an increase in the reliability of decisions about the current functional state of the user and an assessment of the risk of a possible development of pathology. The proposed rules form the basis of original preventive medicine for home use, including the intelligent PHASEGRAPH-electrocardiograph for diagnosing myocardial ischemia at early stages, AI-RHYTHMOGRAPH software applications for determining heart rate variability parameters and AI-ARTERIOGRAPH for integral assessment of properties blood vessels, an intelligent blood pressure monitor that measures the long-term variability in blood pressure between doctor visits, and an intelligent stethoscope for detecting respiratory distress at home. Further development of the proposed approach will make it possible to create personalized means of assessing visual acuity and hearing acuity at home, control of the vestibular apparatus, essential tremor and other means.

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