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Yatsunskyi P. 
The pressure oscillation in the inter-wall chamber of the teat cup / P. Yatsunskyi // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science. - 2021. - 7, № 3/4. - С. 11-19. - Бібліогр.: 33 назв. - англ.

Factors influencing the vacuum gauge pressure in the inter-wall chamber of milking teat cups of a milking machine with a pneumo- and electromagnetic pulse generator with a combined collector are analyzed. The main factors of research and the limits of their variation are formed, the matrix of multifactor planned experiment is developed, and also results of experimental researches are received. According to the results of experimental studies, the regression equations in coded and real or natural values are derived, which characterize the dependence of pressure oscillation in the inter-wall chamber of milking teat cups on the pulsation frequency, milk ejection intensity and the ratio between strokes. A graphical model of interpretation of regression dependence based on experimental data is built. Student's t-test, Fisher's and Cochran's criteria are calculated, which show the adequacy and reproducibility of the obtained model of the technological process using of the experimental pulse generator with combined collector of the milking machine.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: П072.92-1


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