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Slipchuk A. 
Improvement in the construction of the "Tungsten carbide insert cutter - cone" joint for tricone drill bits / A. Slipchuk, R. Jakym, Yu. Novitskyi // Ukr. J. of Mech. Eng. and Materials Science. - 2022. - 8, № 3. - С. 25-35. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

Meet a claim is quite difficult in real production, even in specialized drilling manufacturers. Therefore, the development of reliable criteria for approaches to improving the technology of tricone drill bits is an urgent problem. This is great practical importance for domestic enterprise. The task is set to create rock-destroying insert in the basis of the developed construction. This allows you to increase the reliability of the connection between the cutter insert and the body of the cone. Favourable conditions should be provided for the rational distribution of contact stresses in conjugate surfaces "carbide cutter insert - bush - body of cone". Crucial part here is required rigidity of the carbide cutter insert. Advanced requirements are placed on them regardless of the design and dimension-type of tricone drill bits. They must have higher requirements such as: high reliability, durability of responsible elements of support and rock-destroying equipment, productivity, ability is stand destructive forces and torque are brought through a bit for influence on a face. This increases the reliability of its connection with the body of the drill bit. Requirements apply to the design to provide favorable conditions for the rational distribution of contact stresses in conjugate surfaces "carbide cutter - bush - body of the bit cone". The obtained results of stress state modeling indicate that, as expected, with the same forces acting on the insert cutter from 42 kN to 57 kN, the most intense place on the cone will be the "collar" near the cutter. The intensity of stress will be up to 1050 MPa in this place for cones with serial rock-destroying equipment. At the same time, the intensity of stress will be up to 900 MPa for cones with developed destructive equipment, this is 14 % less.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: К633.1-560.1 + К722.536


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