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Semenov S. 
Development of a fuzzy GERT model for investigating common software vulnerabilities = Розробка нечіткої GERT-моделі дослідження розповсюджених вразливостей програмного забезпечення / S. Semenov, Liqiang Zhang, Weiling Cao, S. Bulba, V. Babenko, V. Davydov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/2. - С. 6-18. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

This paper has determined the relevance of the issue related to improving the accuracy of the results of mathematical modeling of the software security testing process. The fuzzy GERT-modeling methods have been analyzed. The necessity and possibility of improving the accuracy of the results of mathematical formalization of the process of studying software vulnerabilities under the conditions of fuzziness of input and intermediate data have been determined. To this end, based on the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy network modeling, a fuzzy GERT model has been built for investigating software vulnerabilities. A distinctive feature of this model is to take into consideration the probabilistic characteristics of transitions from state to state along with time characteristics. As part of the simulation, the following stages of the study were performed. To schematically describe the procedures for studying software vulnerabilities, a structural model of this process has been constructed. A "reference GERT model" has been developed for investigating software vulnerabilities. The process was described in the form of a standard GERT network. The algorithm of equivalent transformations of the GERT network has been improved, which differs from known ones by considering the capabilities of the extended range of typical structures of parallel branches between neighboring nodes. Analytical expressions are presented to calculate the average time spent in the branches and the probability of successful completion of studies in each node. The calculation of these probabilistic-temporal characteristics has been carried out in accordance with data on the simplified equivalent fuzzy GERT network for the process of investigating software vulnerabilities. Comparative studies were conducted to confirm the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. The results of the experiment showed that in comparison with the reference model, the fuzziness of the input characteristic of the time of conducting studies of software vulnerabilities was reduced, which made it possible to improve the accuracy of the simulation results.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З973-018.10


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