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Usov A. 
Determination of optimal control of a vessel diesel engine during non-stationary traffic regimes = Визначення оптимального керування судновим дизельним двигуном під час нестаціонарних режимів руху / A. Usov, M. Slobodianiuk, M. Nikolskyi // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/2. - С. 136-146. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

The high pressure fuel system is the fundamental system that forms the indicator of the minimum fuel consumption per unit of the vessel's path. The calculation of the optimal control of the vessel complex with the main diesel engine is performed according to the criterion of the minimum fuel consumption per unit path at a given average velocity of the vessel. The propulsion of a vessel with a main diesel engine is described by equations. The equations contain a significant number of parameters, the reduction of which is performed by introducing dimensionless quantities, followed by bringing the equations into dimensionless forms. This made it possible to present a solution to the optimal control law for the main vessel diesel engine as part of the vessel complex. Optimal control of the vessel complex under stormy navigation conditions has been investigated. The calculations of the control law of the vessel complex, which ensure the movement of the vessel with the maximum average velocity in conditions of stormy navigation, are presented. It is determined that the established law of control of the vessel complex ensures the minimum fuel consumption per mile at a given average velocity of its movement. The influence of a high-pressure fuel system on the optimal control of a vessel diesel engine has been investigated. Thus, the calculated studies indicate that for all values of the parameters of the vessel complex according to the law of control of the fuel system <$E PHI~=~a~+~b~cdot~C sub 2~( tau )>, they give fuel savings up to 6 % per unit of way in comparison with the law of control of the vessel complex <$E PHI~=~a~+~b~cdot~(c sub 1 ( tau ) "/" c sub 2 ( tau )>. The obtained ratios during modeling and optimal control of the main diesel engine of the vessel complex allow using the dynamic programming method to analyze the fuel consumption per unit path with optimal control compared to the corresponding constant control.

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