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Volynets L. 
Optimization of international road transportation of cargoes in the management of enterprises of agricultural sector and road transport enterprises = Оптимізація міжнародних автомобільних перевезень вантажів при управлінні підприємствами аграрного сектору та підприємств автомобільного транспорту / L. Volynets, O. Sopotsko, Yu. Khrutba, A. Sevostianova, Ia. Levchenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/3. - С. 57-63. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

To enhance the efficiency of management of enterprises in the agricultural sector, it is necessary to improve logistic processes of delivery of livestock and crop production in the implementation of international road transportation. Delivery of cargo "just in time" is very important, so transportation time planning is relevant and allows reducing costs. The process of planning the delivery of perishable goods was described. The spread of the required time is presented for transportation with a varied degree of stochasticity. It was found that the specifics of customs clearance affect the availability of a certain minimum time required for such a procedure. The time of customs clearance of cargo and delay time affect the deadline for cargo registration in international road transportation. The widest spread of time is observed by the procedure of customs clearance of cargoes that takes from 12 to 25 hours, and the probability of customs clearance is only 0,435. Accordingly, this affects a decrease in indicators of "just in time" delivery. The functional dependence of the probability of transit time not exceeding the planned time was compared, depending on the data of the specified route. Based on probabilistic analysis, the possibility of unplanned deviations from the estimated terms of each stage was taken into account and the optimal set of time intervals, which allow obtaining the optimal probability of "just in time" delivery, was proposed. The total cargo delivery time does not change. The recommendations on formulating the requirements for road transport enterprises were given. Namely, to strengthen the requirements for the time of cargo transit. These requirements include the average speed of motion, the choice of appropriate transport, planning the route in terms of the speed mode of highways, etc.

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