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Lutsenko I. 
Cybernetic estimation of reserve utilization efficiency = Кібернетична оцінка ефективності використання запасів / I. Lutsenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/4. - С. 28-37. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

This study relates to the field of verification of cybernetic estimates of the use of reserves as criteria for the effectiveness of transformative class systems with a continuous supply of a technological product. The task set here attracted even more attention after the advent of improved approaches that make it possible to automatically change the control trajectories of technological systems in real time. In such cases, the assessment of the current status of the process and the efficiency of stock management has become an integral part of the operation of the management subsystems. Therefore, the development and verification of cybernetic assessment of effectiveness for such control systems is a relevant issue. The first stage of the reported research involved the development of a cybernetic model of operation with distributed parameters. Four formal features have been proposed. Finding integral functions of these features has made it possible to obtain an idea of some quantitative characteristics of the process while finding the second time-dependent integral characteristic has made it possible to represent the physical and cybernetic parameters of the process. At the second stage, formulas for calculating the main assessment indicators were proposed; their verification was carried out under three different control trajectories, which showed the adequacy of the devised approach. The final step was to develop three variations of the efficiency formula, which is calculated at set points in time throughout the entire production cycle. Thus, cybernetic assessment of the effectiveness of the use of reserves makes it possible to formalize and fully automate the processes of optimization and adaptation of the functional systems of an enterprise.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У542.10-42 в61


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