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Kovalenko V. 
The determination of synthesis conditions and color properties of pigments based on layered double hydroxides with Co as a guest cation = Визначення умов синтезу та характеристик кольору пігментів на основі подвійно-шарових гідроксидів з Co в якості катіона-"гостя" / V. Kovalenko, V. Kotok // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/6. - С. 32-38. - Бібліогр.: 57 назв. - англ.

Nail polish, in particular gel polish, is the most commonly used cosmetic product. A component of the gel polish, which determines the consumer color characteristics of the gel polish. Layered double hydroxides (LDH) are promising pigments. To expand the range of colors and shades of pigments, the use of LDH with colored host and guest cations is promising. The parameters of synthesis and color characteristics of samples of Zn-Co and Cu-Co hydroxide pigments were studied. To obtain LDH with Co as a guest cation in the synthesis, the conversion of cobalt to the trivalent state was carried out at a temperature of 80 <^>oC using oxidation with atmospheric oxygen or sodium hypochlorite. The oxidation efficiency was evaluated by X-ray phase analysis by the presence or absence of cobalt-containing phases. The color characteristics of the synthesized pigment samples were studied by spectroscopic measurement and calculation in RGB, CIELab, and LCH color models. The low efficiency of cobalt oxidation at the moment of Zn-Co LDH synthesis with atmospheric oxygen at an elevated synthesis temperature of 80 <^>oC was shown, while cobalt was released as a separate Co3O4 phase. A higher efficiency of cobalt oxidation at the moment of synthesis using sodium hypochlorite with the formation of Zn-Co LDH was revealed. It is recommended to use the hypochlorite oxidation of Co<^>2+ to Co<^>3+ in the LDH synthesis with Co in the form of a guest cation. The formation of a separate phase of zinc oxide was found in both types of oxidation due to the thermal decomposition of zinc hydroxide. Comparative analysis of color characteristics showed that all samples have a brown color of different saturation. It was revealed that during the formation of Co-containing LDH, the lightness of the color decreases. Color saturation increases in the case of a colored host cation, such as Cu.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л745


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