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Podchashynskyi Yu. 
Devising a method for measuring the motion parameters of industrial equipment in the quarry using adaptive parameters of a video sequence = Розробка методу вимірювання параметрів руху технологічного обладнання на кар'єрі з адаптивними параметрами відеопослідовності / Yu. Podchashynskyi, O. Luhovykh, V. V. Tsyporenko, V. G. Tsyporenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2021. - № 6/9. - С. 32-46. - Бібліогр.: 22 назв. - англ.

The method and structural scheme of an information-measuring system for determining the parameters of objects' movements (technological equipment in the quarry for extracting block natural stone) have been proposed. A distinctive feature of time video sequences containing images of measured objects is their adaptation and adjustment in accordance with the intensity of movement and accuracy requirements for measurement results. Structural and software-algorithmic methods were also applied for improving the accuracy of measurements of motion parameters, namely: complexation of two measuring channels and exponential smoothing of digital references. One of the measuring channels is based on a digital video camera, the second is based on an accelerometer mounted on an object and two integrators. Exponential smoothing makes it possible to take into consideration the previous countdowns of movement parameters with weight coefficients. That ensures accounting for the existing patterns of movement of the object and reducing the errors when measuring the parameters of movement by (1,4 - 1,6) times. The resulting solutions have been implemented in the form of an information and measurement system. The technological process of extracting blocks of natural stone in the quarry was experimentally investigated using a diamond-rope installation. Based on the contactless measurement of motion parameters, it is possible to ensure control over this process and improve the quality of blocks made of natural stone. Based on the experimental study of measurement errors, recommendations were given for the selection of adaptive parameters of a video sequence, namely the size of images and the value of the inter-frame interval. In addition, methods for the software-algorithmic processing of measuring information were selected, specifically exponential smoothing and averaging the coordinates of the contour of an object, measured in 30 adjacent lines of the image.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: И342.1


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