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Bondarenko O. 
Sponsorship marketing of European countries in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine = Спонсорський маркетинг Європейських країн за воєнного стану в Україні / O. Bondarenko, M. Knights // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 4-18. - Бібліогр.: 32 назв. - англ.

In the conditions of war in Ukraine, the assistance of European states is invaluable. The sponsorship, being a synthetic marketing communication, becomes a key means of ensuring the image of states and positioning in the global marketing environment. The methodology of the functioning of sponsorship marketing and sponsorship mechanisms in all spheres of social life has been studied by many scientists. However, there are no scientific researches that reveal the specifics of the implementation of sponsorship marketing by European states in wartime and justify sponsorship as a marketing communication capable of creating a positive image of states and ensuring their strategic positioning in the global marketing environment. The aim of the article is to substantiate the peculiarities of the sponsorship marketing implementation by European countries in the conditions of war in Ukraine, to prove a significant role in the formation of the state's image and brand in the global marketing environment. Methods of analysis and synthesis, system and structural analysis, comparison, logical generalization, hypothetical and deductive method are applied. Sponsorship marketing trends in the global marketing environment are identified and innovative ways of encouraging people to change their behavior under the influence of social factors are identified. It has been proven that in the conditions of war, sponsorship, being a synthetic marketing communication, becomes the main tool for meeting public needs. A hypothesis was put forward that the level of preservation of social values correlates with the toolkit of sponsorship marketing. In the conditions of war in Ukraine, which has had a significant impact on the economy of European countries, sponsorship marketing and sponsorship are becoming the main tools for forming the image of the state, strengthening brand loyalty and positioning in the global marketing environment. European states that form a socially responsible image and brand based on the use of effective sponsorship marketing tools have significant opportunities for recognition by the world community, strengthening the loyalty of citizens of various states, which is important for effective social and economic development and preservation of public values.

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