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Herbych L. 
Evaluation of the bank's attractiveness for corporate clients = Оцінювання привабливості банку для корпоративних клієнтів / L. Herbych, L. Netrebchuk // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2022. - № 6. - С. 96-113. - Бібліогр.: 17 назв. - англ.

In conditions of high volatility of the market environment, there is a constant competition between banks for customers, especially corporate ones, which generate a significant part of their income. Customers are faced with the question of choosing a bank with the best conditions for their service. And since there is no single list of criteria or methods that would make it possible to unambiguously compare the attractiveness of banks from the customers' side, the research proposed a method for choosing a bank. The aim of the article - is to develop an integrated approach to assessing the bank's attractiveness for corporate clients. The methods of system-structural, comparative analysis, logical generalization, scoring, rating are applied. Banking service for corporate clients is an integral part of the activities of both sides. Due to the large number of banks and the wide variety of their services, clients constantly face the problem of choosing a bank for service. The key criteria that influence the choice of banks by clients and generate opportunities for their cooperation were determined. A model for calculating the integral coefficient of attractiveness of the bank for corporate clients was developed, its calculation was carried out. Based on the results of this calculation the rating of Ukrainian banks was compiled. The availability of objective information while choosing a bank for service is a key point in the process of strategic planning of the activities of any legal entity. It is important to find simple tools for evaluating the bank. The proposed methodological recommendations regarding the application of the integral coefficient are intended for use by corporate clients when choosing a bank for service.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У526.210-17


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