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Zaitseva O. 
Social media marketing in the business interaction system of the enterprise = Соціальний медіамаркетинг у системі бізнес-взаємодії підприємства / O. Zaitseva, V. Shuklina, O. Voskresenska // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 39-47. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

The digital economy is developing very quickly in the world, so all businesses understand the need to use modern interactive technologies in predicting consumer behavior and are ready to adapt the informational potential of campaigns to the conditions of global digitalization. The digital economy accelerates changes in marketing communications and requires new relevant channels of digital interaction. The aim of the article is to substantiate the selection and implementation of modern digital marketing communications in the business environment of the campaign in order to predict consumer behavior and develop entrepreneurial information potential. Methods of systematization, grouping and comparison, analytical and epistemological methods (for assessing the state and prospects of the use of social networks), graphic and analytical methods (for illustrating research results), abstract-logical analysis (for researching the evolution of marketing communications), and Internet monitoring (to determine the effectiveness of the most relevant channels of digital marketing communications, their ranking by popularity) were applied in the paper. The authors determined that social networks during the war became the fastest, most effective and most accessible channels of communication with the audience. Social media marketing channels and their rating were analyzed; the most relevant for the enterprise - B2C and B2B consumers - were justified in the context of the development of the information potential. Conclusions. The necessity of increasing the monetization of digital marketing communications and strengthening their communicative effectiveness in the context of a two-way approach is proven. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the quality of content and its delivery methods to consumers, commercial activities that ensure the finalization of acts of purchase and sale and delivery of goods and receipt of services. On the other hand, monitor the existing and potential channels of digital marketing communications, respond to their popularity among different types of consumers, scale the use of digital technologies, facilitate the accessibility of their use, improve the information infrastructure, strengthen the digital trust and technological competence of specialists, as well as form a new digital business culture.

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