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Fayvishenko D. 
Media transformation of socially responsible projects = Медіатрансформація соціально відповідальних проєктів / D. Fayvishenko, D. Sidielnikov // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 48-58. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

In the conditions of uncertainty against the background of the state of war in Ukraine, the analysis of socially responsible projects, their adaptation to the media space, support of spheres that initiate social changes is relevant. Wartime significantly affected the development of all spheres, especially sports, reduced the level of activity of enterprises, actualized the need to transform mass media and strengthen socially responsible projects. The aim of the article is the development of recommendations on measures to strengthen mass media activities in terms of socially responsible marketing for Ukrainian enterprises, using the example of football clubs, in the conditions of martial law. General scientific methods such as synthesis, comparison and generalization are applied. The media transformation of socially responsible projects during the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine was studied, the dynamics of the level of influence of social media platforms on brand popularity were analyzed, measures were proposed to increase media activity in the direction of socially responsible marketing, today, using the example of football clubs in the field of sports, recommendations for further work were developed and adaptation to realities. Conclusions. Structural changes and peculiarities of media transformation of socially responsible projects during the military aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine caused a reorientation of the strategic goals of all spheres of activity. The results of the analysis of the activities of media sector enterprises using the example of the sports sphere allowed us to determine the approach by which media transformation increases the importance of social initiatives. It has been established that football brands must find a balance between commerce, social utility and consumer needs. Media enhancement measures combined with marketing technologies remain an integral part of business as they facilitate social communication. The prospect of further research is seen in the systematization of scientific and methodological principles and the construction of a strategy for socially responsible marketing of enterprises in the field of sports.

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