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Nepran A. 
Financial planning in the management of the industrial enterprise = Фінансове планування в управлінні промисловим підприємством / A. Nepran, N. Chuiko, K. Khrapach // Scientia Fructuosa. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 78-91. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Strengthening the responsibility of enterprises for the timeliness of all calculations raises the question of the availability of well-founded financial plans and methods of their calculations. Ensuring timely settlements with the financial and credit system, employees, suppliers, fulfillment of basic financial tasks and achieving a stable financial condition requires a scientific organization of financial planning at every enterprise. The aim of the article is to strengthen the scientific validity of financial planning at industrial enterprises, which will contribute to the adoption of effective management decisions. A set of methods and approaches are applied: dialectical, synthesis, balance. An attempt was made to reveal theoretical and practical issues regarding the procedure for calculating the financial plan, separate recommendations were developed for its preparation and ensuring balance. Conclusions. On a specific example it was developed the financial plan of an industrial enterprise, the procedure for balancing income and expenses and it was shown the determining the volume of loans as a tool for eliminating the shortage of cash. Further areas of improvement of the financial plan are the development of tax planning methods.

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