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Teslia Iu. 
Development of the concept of construction of the project management information standard on the basis of the PrimaDoc information management system = Розробка концепції побудови та використання інформаційного стандарту проєктного управління на базі системи управління інформацією PrimaDoc / Iu. Teslia, N. Yehorchenkova, O. Yehorchenkov, Iu. Khlevna, Ye. Kataieva, V. Veretelnyk, I. Chastokolenko, I. Ohirko, A. Khlevnyi, T. Latysheva // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/3. - С. 53-65. - Бібліогр.: 20 назв. - англ.

The necessity of digitalization of project management processes is shown, in particular, for the creation and use of the information standard of project management (ISPM). A model of using the information standard of project management to determine the planned parameters of projects has been developed. The principles and tasks of digitalization are formulated, the solution of which will allow to create such a standard. The analysis of existing theoretical and practical developments in this field is carried out. It is shown that the issue of creating an information standard of project management is still open. It is established that traditional software or databases are not suitable to meet the formulated requirements. This is due to the fact that they do not provide the necessary level of system and documentary support in the process of forming the information standard of project management. Therefore, it is proposed to use the information management system of enterprises and projects PrimaDoc to create such a standard. The concept of construction and use of the information standard of project management on the basis of the information management system PrimaDoc is offered. The structure of information technology for the formation of ISPM project-oriented company has been developed. The approach and tools for adjusting the environment of the PrimaDoc information management system to the technology of forming the ISPM of a project-oriented company are proposed. Experimental research has been conducted, which showed a 65 % reduction in labor costs in the formation of ISPM. Practical approbation of ISPM information technology formation of project-oriented company on the basis of PrimaDoc system is executed. PJSC Tutkovsky (Ukraine) created an information standard of project management, which included more than 10 000 documents. The results of experiments and practical testing indicate the effectiveness of the developed concept and information technology of formation and use of information standard of project management.

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