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Kuchansky A. 
Devising a competence method to build information spaces for executors of educational projects in a dynamic environment = Розробка компетентнісного методу формування інформаційних просторів виконавців освітніх проєктів в динамічному середовищі / A. Kuchansky, A. Biloshchytskyi, Yu. Andrashko, Y. Wang // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/3. - С. 66-73. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

This paper describes the conceptual apparatus for the formation of information spaces of executors of educational projects in a dynamic environment. A multiple model of identification of the executor of an educational project was developed, taking into consideration the competence approach and dynamics of the components of the information space. To assess the competencies of the executors of educational projects, three components are calculated: the grade of the executor's knowledge, the grade of the executor's performance, the grade of the executor's personal qualities. Based on the obtained grades, generalized assessments of the level of competence of each executor are formed. These grades for each executor of a particular educational project are used to determine the level of performance and potential of this project. To find a generalized grade of the project potential, the least square method was used to construct a regression line, which indicates a tendency to develop the competencies of project executors. The stages of building information spaces of executors of educational projects in a dynamic environment were proposed. The hypothesis of the study that the progressive dynamic development of educational project executors has an impact on the potential of these projects was verified experimentally. To verify the described construction method, ten educational projects, which were implemented in the period from 2014 to 2020, were selected. The results indicate that the grade of the competencies of project executors recorded at the time of completion of a project almost completely coincides with the grade of evaluators after completion of the projects. The ranks obtained after the final evaluation of projects and the ranks according to calculated performance grades coincide by 40 %. Evaluation of projects is mainly focused on the reputation and performance of executors and does not sufficiently take into consideration the transformation of the competencies of executors during the implementation of projects.

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