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Chandrawati T. B. 
The development of Firefly algorithm with fuzzy logic integration for priority search simulation of flood evacuation routes = Розробка алгоритму Firefly з нечіткою логікою для моделювання пріоритетного пошуку маршрутів евакуації після паводків / T. B. Chandrawati, A. A. P. Ratna, R. F. Sari // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/4. - С. 66-76. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Heavy rain in a particular area can cause flooding in both the primary area and the surrounding area. A flood is an event where water is inundated in an area due to increased water volume. Due to high level of water and other hazards arising from flooding, flood victims need to move to a location prepared for evacuation. To get to that location prepared, the victims must get through a safe route. Searching for safe evacuation routes is important to save flood victims and bring them to the evacuation centre safely. Search for evacuation routes related to obstacles on the road to get through. Slippery roads, high puddles of water on the roads, rivers that are located close to the roads that flood victims will have to get through, drainage of waterways and the vulnerability of victims are taken into consideration in choosing a route to get to the evacuation location. There are several problems in choosing a safe route: (1) how to take into account the obstacles on the road to be passed (2) how to choose the priority of the route to be passed with the obstacles encountered. The proposed solution to deal with the problems encountered are (1) to take into account road obstacles by giving the obstacle weights. Fuzzy logic is used to calculate the value of obstacle weights (2) the problem of selecting route priorities will be solved using the firefly algorithm. The firefly algorithm is an algorithm inspired by the social life of fireflies. The priority route for evacuation of flood victims is sought using the method proposed in this study which is the optimal route. The optimal route referred to in this study is the route that has the smallest obstacle weight value. The simulation results show that the fuzzy logic integrated into the firefly algorithm (FuFA) provides a safe route priority, indicated by the smallest obstacle weight value.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ц9-522.1


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